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Our story told by our founder Helena Antónia in episode #39 of SAPATEADO by Zilian

Zilian is a portuguese shoe brand, all models are produced locally in the north of the country.  Zilianchoose's purpose is to inspire their clients and strengthen every women's self confidence.  Like Vintage for a Cause, Zilian team believes in strong connections and  details that matter - and that differentiate us. Therefore they created Sapateado, a podcast that works as a space to share experiences and innovations between portuguese brands, hosted by Madalena Beirão, Zilian founder. And our founder and CEO, Helena Antónia, was her last guest.    It was an intimate, vulnerable and funny conversation about her story, challenges and accomplishments during her journey as an impact entrepreneur. Above all, is 100% transparency about our story, values, work through the years, and also a glimpse on how we envision our future.  Maybe long for podcast. But some reason led Madalena and her team not to "cut and sew" the episode. Watch the full episode here and follow  Zilian PODCAST on Spotify.    Want to receive more news? Just subscribe to the newsletter. Have a great week!